
Being stuck at home under a "Safer-at-Home" ordinance means that I need a project to work on durring my "down" time instead of navel gazing or aimlessly surfing the internet in order to remain "Sane-at-Home." I decided to take this time and start tackling a subject that has intrigued me but I've never taken the time to master, 3d printing.
April marks the start of my journey into finding out just what it takes to build a 3d printer from scratch, sourcing the parts to do it, and then assembling and building it myself. I am aware that there are fully assembled printers I could purchase, and I'm also aware that there are kits I could buy... but that's the fun in that? I'm choosing to double down on my love for Open Source to research and commit to an open 3d printer design and build it on my own.
With any luck by sometime in May I should have a functional 3d printer of my own.